Kids Studio Session

Kids Studio Session



You should schedule your session during your child’s upbeat time of day, after naps and feedings, so that he can enjoy the experience and before they are too tired in the evening.


First thing is that shoes and socks will be removed for the photos.

To get the best from your studio session I recommend avoiding any outfits with loud patterns or logos, bright colours, dark colours or block colours. Steer towards pastel and soft colours, lemon/peach/pastel pink, blue, purple/mint/cream/white.

Coordinate outfits
Now this doesn’t mean everyone has to 100% match with khaki pants or jeans and a white shirt! You want to complement each other’s outfits by choosing colours that work well together. I find that if everyone is wearing the same clothing, people will all tend to blend in together and there won’t be too much pop and life to the images.

Plan ahead
Make sure you have given yourself enough time to think about all of the details of your session. Plan ahead so that #1 you can truly think about your photos and everything you want out of the session, #2 you aren’t rushing and stressing out right before your session, and #3 if you have decided to go for a new look for your session or someone gets a bad haircut, you still have time to fix things if you need to.

Keep make up natural, but still have some on
You will want to avoid using very heavy makeup, but a bit of colour on your lips, eyes, and cheeks will help bring you to life in photos. Be sure to bring some lip gloss with you as well.

Outfit changes
If time allows it, bring another set of outfits. Again, you will get a lot more variety in your shots so why not capitalize on the opportunity and get the most bang for your buck!

If you have further questions that aren’t covered here or would like to book your photography session please contact me for more information.

Please fill in this questionnaire for your session